Thursday, April 19, 2012

Thursday Ramblings

- I have been on a smoothie for breakfast kick.  They are just so convenient to throw together and run out the door to work.  My newest, favorite, perfectly balanced combo: 1 scoop vanilla protein powder (I've been using Bluebonnet.), 2 tbsp unsweetened, flaked coconut, 1 tbsp cocoa powder, 2 handfuls fresh spinach, 3/4 to 1 frozen banana, ~4 ice cubes, and 3/4 cup coconut-almond milk. You got your protein, your fat (coconut), and your carb (banana), as well as an extra serving of veggies in the spinach. Not to mention it is delicious and keeps me full until lunch.

-Thank you all for your pineapple recommendations.  So far, my plans for the ridiculously cheap fruit include smoothies (I will probably cut up a couple to freeze for this purpose), pineapple salsa, sangria, and grilled pineapple slices. 

- My body felt as if I had been hit by a truck upon waking up this morning.  This WOD Tuesday+Morrison Wednesday! The last time I attempted Morrison was back in July and I timed out at 30 minutes after completing 50-40-30.  Last night, I upped the weight on my kettle bell swings and did box jumps (as opposed to step ups).  At 30 minutes, I had completed 50-40-30 minus 7 box jumps (because there were so many of us, I started with KBS to stagger).  But, my evil coach did not cut us off.  She made us finish the entire workout.  (I think because of the upcoming Regionals competition, she is in full on beast mode.)  My time ended up being 40:33.  I was seriously pissed because I gave everything I had in the first 30 minutes! I was running on "E" after that. (I updated my "Work It Out" page.)  Because I'm sadistic, I'm going back today for this mystery WOD.

- I'm considering upping my CrossFit membership to unlimited.  Currently, I go twice a week (or 8 times per month), plus the occasional bonus Saturday morning. When I was half marathon training, in order to fit in all my training runs, I only had time to attend twice a week.  Now that I have no races on the horizon and it's warming up quickly, I know from years past, running will fall to the wayside.  I'm notorious for gaining weight in the summer due to laziness brought on by the heat and endless poolside margaritas.  The only downfall is that it is much more expensive.  And I don't know how many more days a week I could actually handle.  I could save the money and make myself continue to run or do at home or track workouts, but I'm not sure I'll push myself hard enough.  Thoughts?

-After over a week of Easter candy and indulgences, I'm back to Paleo....until the weekend! I'm going 80/20, with most of the 20 on the weekends, but if I feel like I need a mid-week happy hour, so be it.  Balance, right?!?

-Sams is a blessing and a curse. I had nothing green in my fridge so made a run to the bulk store to pick up some spring mix, spinach, and avocados.  What I never expected to find was these cute Steve Madden sandals. 
Since my nude flat sandals have seen better days, I couldn't resist.  Damn you, Sams, for always having random jewels, against which I have no will power.   Whether it be socks, baby clothes, dog toys, or Steve Madden sandals, you win every time.

Ramble on.  Tell me what you have no will power against. 

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