Monday, August 29, 2011

Mission Somewhat Accomplished

Remember my goals I set last week?   Here is a recap of how I fared:

1. Running 12 miles.  FAIL

I ran a total of 6.5 and walked a total of 4.5.  So I was short 1 mile and walked almost half. 

Lola moved in yesterday! :) She wanted to see the neighborhood, so I opted to take her for a long walk rather than run last night. I chose being a good momma over accomplishing this goal.  I'm okay with that! 

2. Eat clean. FAIL

Saturday was cheat day.  I was awful...roast, rice & gravy, beer, coconut margaritas, hamburger, chips & dip, ice cream, etc.  This day was my only cheat all week, though.

3. Less dairy.  PASS

I still ate my fair share of yogurt and cheese (especially in my cheesy eggplant lasagna), but I chose boiled eggs, nuts & seeds, and protein shakes over string cheese for snacking.

4. Push myself at workouts. PASS

All I have to say is two a day.  I mean business.

5. Finish painting and hang curtains. PASS

I can't take much credit for this.  My mom was a HUGE help with the painting, and a handy friend hung my curtains for me. :)

My goals this week are the same.  12 miles, eat clean, and pushing hard at every workout. I also want to start taking Lola Beans for long walks in the evenings after my Bleacher Club and CrossFit workouts.

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