Thursday, January 5, 2012

A Salisbury Steak By Any Other Name...

I didn't grow up eating Salisbury steak.  Or so I thought.

I had some ground turkey defrosted.  Joining it in the fridge were mushrooms and yellow onions.  I didn't know exactly what a salisbury steak was, but knew it involved all these ingredients.

So naturally, I googled it.  After reading a few recipes I came to the realization that salisbury steak, meatloaf, hamburgers, and meatballs are all essentially the same thing.  It's only the shape, accompaniments, and presentation that differs.

My Healthified Version of Salisbury Steak

for steaks:
non stick cooking spray
1 lb lean ground turkey
1/2 whole wheat english muffin, processed into crumbs
2 egg whites
1 tbsp worcestershire sauce
1 tsp garlic, minced
1 tsp onion powder
1 tsp red/cayenne pepper
salt and pepper to taste
for gravy:
1 yellow onion, sliced
2 cups mushrooms, sliced
1 tbsp worcestershire sauce
salt and pepper to taste
3 cups chicken broth (beef would be better, but I didn't have any)
2 tbsp non-fat, plain greek yogurt
1 tsp whole wheat flour

Spray a large skillet with non stick cooking spray and heat.  Mix remaining steak ingredients well.  Form meat mixture into 4 patties.  Place in skillet and cook until internal temp reaches 165 degrees.  Remove patties from skillet.   Add onion, mushrooms, worcestershire sauce, and seasoning to skillet.  Deglase skillet with chicken broth, loosening the bits of meat left in the pot.  Add yogurt and mix until "melting in" with onions and mushrooms.  Sprinkle flour over onions and mushrooms and mix.   Add remaining broth and allow to cook down and thicken.  When gravy is the consistency you want, return the steaks to the skillet.

I ate mine over spring mix with the gravy as a dressing.  I know it sounds wierd, but it was delicious!  Mashed potatoes would be a more tradiational side dish.

Running Woes

Yesterday, Lola and I went for a 3 mile run.  We have been neglecting our running lately.  For some reason, running has not been enjoyable and yesterday was no exception. 

Thanks to my new Garmin, I think I am figuring out why.  My pace was super fast (for me) for the first mile and super slow for the last mile.  I would like to blame it on Lola (she is excited and pulls hard for the first mile), but I'm guilty too.  Negative splits is the new name of the game!

I have a 5 miler on the books for today, so I'm really going to focus on slowing down the first half of the run.  Also, Lola is staying home.

***Sorry still no pictures.  I got my camera back yesterday, but it was after I ran and cooked.

Which do you prefer, burgers, meatballs, salisbury steak, or meatloaf?
Burgers are a little different since they are served on a bun, but I think I prefer salisbury steak because its already portioned and takes less effort to prepare that many, many meatballs.