Friday, May 25, 2012

The Friday Five

1. What I'm Reading: This interesting article from the New Yorker.

I'm still trying to decide if I would ever do it.  The idea is thrilling, but I'm a chicken and cannot get past the idea of creepers and rapist.

2. What I'm Watching: You Tube videos of how to kick into a handstand.

Everyone at CrossFit makes it look so easy, but I am gymnastically incompetent.  Every time I have to walk up the wall to complete my handstand holds, I'm embarrassed. 

 3. What I'm Listening to: CCR's "Born on the Bayou"

After seeing John Fogherty sing with Phil Phillips on Idol's finale and seeing the below AT&T commercial 10,000 times, I can't get it out of my head.  It's one of my all time favorite songs! 


4. What I'm Eating: All the perishibles in the house before I leave for the weekend.

That means lots of fruit and veggies, especially in smoothie form.  I always over buy on my weekly grocery trips and have trouble finishing it before it goes bad.

5. What I'm Googling: how to heal a stubbed toe

directions from Lake Charles, LA to Galveston, TX

how to make rum gummy bear "shots" (Yes, this is happening this weekend!)

Happy Friday!  Have a great weekend!

Would you ever couch surf?  Would you ever let a stranger stay on your couch?


  1. oooh can I have those fresh berries and pineapple?! :)

  2. I only watched the last few episodes of AI but loved Phillip Phillips. I'm glad he won and I've had that same flippin' song in my head all weekend too!

    1. I was glad he won, too. Josh Ledet is actually from my hometown, but I secretly prefered Phil.
