Tuesday, December 13, 2011

'Tis the Season to Eat & Booze

While I have been uber productive on the home front (ie. Christmas shopping, wrapping, baking, laundry, crafting, etc.), I have negleted all forms of exercise.  In the past 9 days, I have CrossFitted twice and ran 5 miles. That.is.it.

To add insult to injury, countless spoonfuls of cookie batter, bowls of ice cream, and beers have been consumed.  Oh, and there is all the cake happening this week.

The closer Christmas becomes, the busier I am, and the easier it is to skip workouts.


So, I am developing a game plan.

Tuesday (today) - 6:30 CrossFit. 

Wednesday (mom's birthday) - 4 miles before work.  Steak dinner at mom & dad's, but I'll skip the potato and cake.  Maybe a glass of wine instead?

Thursday - 6:30 CrossFit.  This means I'll have to miss the Glenlivet scotch tasting at Hokus Pokus.  :(   With all the upcoming boozing, I guess I don't really need to go drink scotch anyway.

Friday - 6 mile run or bleachers before work, because 6:00 PM at Burton for Cowgirls vs. LSU.  Dinner out afterwards as an early birthday celebration. 

Saturday - 8 mile run. A couple of graduation parties that afternoon and evening, which probably means lots of food and cocktails. 

Sunday (dad's birthday) - trail run with Andrea (hopefully the 4.5 mile loop).  Dinner at mom & dad's, skip the cake.

Monday (my birthday) - 5 mile run.  Cake of course!  But only one piece. And one scoop of ice cream.  And a hot toddy, because you only turn "21" once...or 7 times. :) 

Tuesday - CrossFit.  Book club Christmas party.  More food and drinks.

Are you seeing the theme of lots of celebrating with food and cocktails? 

The plan of attack is to skip the stuff I can live without (mom's german chocolate cake, dad's pineapple cake, baked potatoes, etc) and have small portions of the stuff I need to survive (my carrot cake, beer, steak, beer, ice cream, beer, etc).

I hope you are still reading and not bored out of your mind by this post, but by putting it in writing for the world to see, I am much more likely to stick to it!

Links of interest:
The Huffington Post - How to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain
Good Housekeeping - Holiday Weight Loss Tips

Do you have a hard time sticking to your exercise and clean eating regimine this time of year?  What is your plan?